by Global Sherpa | Apr 13, 2011 | Brazil, China, Countries, Globalization, Health, India, South Korea
Science research has grown rapidly in recent years. BRIC countries, including China, India and Brazil, and South Korea account for much of the increase in scientific publications. Despite suggestions of a major reversal in the global pecking order of science...
by Global Sherpa | Nov 16, 2010 | Aid & Development, Cities & Countries, Globalization
Around the world, most people are much better off today than they were just a few years ago according to the latest 2010 UNDP Human Development Report (HDR). From Italy to South Korea to China and India, large increases in Human Development Indexes (HDI) of 22 to 80...
by Global Sherpa | Oct 19, 2010 | Environment, Food
If you live in Chile, Japan, Taiwan, or S. Korea, chances are pretty good that it once had fins and gills (or maybe still does). Chileans and Japanese consume more than 150 pounds of seafood per person annually according to a study called Seafood Print supported by...