Global Sherpa Promotes a Better World for People and Nature through Insights and Ideas on Sustainable Development, Business and Investing
People & Nature in Global Development
Our planet and lives are being reshaped by big global trends – population growth, economic development, climate change and urbanization. Solutions must focus on empowering people and protecting nature.
Sustainable Business & Investing
Business and finance shape economic opportunities and inequality. Sustainability calls for a long-term approach to risk, investing and innovation that works for everyone.
Data, Maps & World Rankings
Are we making a difference? What works and what doesn’t? Good evidence leads to better decisions and more impact.

Jokowi – Indonesia’s Rising Star
Jokowi is the rallying cry and first name on the lips of many people in the sprawling Southeast Asian nation of Indonesia these days. An affectionate nickname short for Joko Widodo, Jokowi is the widely admired governor of Indonesia’s megacity capital of Jakarta, a...

Indonesia Quiz!
Have fun taking the Indonesia Quiz and find out how much you know about the fascinating Southeast Asian nation. The quiz has 10 questions. Your score, correct answers and explanations appear at the end. Enjoy! [QUIZZIN 19] For more fun quizzes, check out Global...

People on the Move: Visualizing Human Migrations
The world’s largest human migration takes place every year from about mid-January to mid-February. That’s when hundreds of millions of Chinese journey back to their hometowns to spend the Spring Festival with their families. China’s spring travel ritual is the...

Nelson Mandela’s Leadership and Inspiration
Nelson Mandela’s passing on December 5, 2013 at the age of 95 set off a global outpouring of moving tributes and remembrances. This post offers a brief glimpse into a few of them and the life of the extraordinary freedom fighter known to South Africans as “Madiba” or...

Youth Unemployment: Building a Brighter Future
Youth unemployment is one of society’s greatest challenges and missed opportunities. As youth joblessness hits dizzying levels around the globe, the unbridled energy, enthusiasm and new ideas of the young are going to waste. Society, governments, employers,...

Resilient Cities: Climate Adaptation & Urban Development
Resilient cities mark the convergence between several powerful, prevailing trends in international development: rapid urbanization, climate adaptation and a pronounced increase in natural disasters. By 2050, the United Nations expects 80 percent of the world’s...

Quiz – Chinese New Year!
Have fun taking the Chinese New Year Quiz to test your knowledge and learn more about the fascinating customs surrounding China's most important holiday. The quiz has 10 questions. Your score, correct answers and explanations appear at the end. Enjoy! [QUIZZIN 17]...

Beijing Air Pollution Exposes China’s Health & Environment Risks
Beijing, China's air pollution levels rose to more than 20 times the World Health Organization (WHO) standard this weekend. As China extends its global influence, many Beijing residents are loathe to leave their apartments. Dark, smog-filled skies led to a flurry of...

Liquid Assets: From Water Risk to Stewardship
Water is essential to the survival of companies, people and communities. In all, 184 of the world's largest companies used enough water in one year to provide 50 gallons of the precious liquid to every person in today’s world for the next 21 years. With 40 percent...

Climate Risk Guide Protects Companies and Communities
Climate risk presents very real threats and opportunities to companies and communities around the world. The expansion of global supply chains that has lowered costs and brought thousands of jobs to developing countries has also exposed the growing vulnerability of...

HOW Top Global Companies Create Economic Value and Social Impact
When it comes to corporate governance, culture and leadership, it turns out companies around the world have much in common. Whether they hail from Mexico or the U.S. or the BRIC Countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China, organizations driven by trust, shared...

World Water Quiz!
Have fun testing your knowledge of interesting facts about water around the world. The quiz has 10 questions. Your score, correct answers and explanations appear at the end. Enjoy! [QUIZZIN 18] For more fun quizzes, check out Global Sherpa's Quiz Page! Related...

The Great Global Water Squeeze
Water is the new oil, and water stress is a defining global megatrend of the 21st century. By 2030, global water demand is forecasted to surpass supply by 40 percent, leaving close to half the world’s people with too little of the liquid gold. Deep-pocketed...

Infrastructure Fuels Growth in BRIC Countries
While infrastructure isn’t exactly the sexiest topic in international development, it’s hard to argue with its importance. India’s massive power blackout in July, the largest in world history, is a stark reminder of infrastructure’s critical role in economic...

BRIC Countries Top Survey of Green Consumers
Consumers most likely to report being “very concerned” about environmental problems and related health impacts hail from the BRIC countries of Brazil, India and China, Latin American nations of Mexico and Argentina, and South Korea. While China and the U.S. are the...

Urban Design Fights Obesity in New York City
Active urban design is a creative tool in New York City’s and Mayor Bloomberg’s dogged fight against fat (read obesity) and some of the most costly ills of modern civilization. The city’s Active Design Guidelines: Promoting Physical Activity and Health in Design is a...

Fighting Poverty through Measurement
Poverty reduction is the worthy goal of many development and social programs. On the surface, the exercise seems straightforward enough. Find people who are poor and develop a program that empowers them to seize and sustain new economic opportunities. Needless to...

BRIC Countries Top Survey of Green Consumers
Consumers most likely to report being “very concerned” about environmental problems and related health impacts hail from the BRIC countries of Brazil, India and China, Latin American nations of Mexico and Argentina, and South Korea. While China and the U.S. are the...

Global Power City Index 2011
The Global Power City Index provides a ranking of the urban competitiveness of 35 world cities based on their international “magnetism.” This desirable-yet-elusive trait is defined as a city’s “comprehensive power to attract creative people and excellent companies...

Countries Most Committed to Global Development
The Center for Global Development’s latest Commitment to Development Index (CDI) provides a thoughtful ranking of how committed 22 of the world’s most economically advanced, developed countries are to improving living conditions in less developed countries around the...

BRICs, Emerging Market Consumer Insights
The BRIC economies of China, India, Brazil and Russia are promising engines of global economic growth and development. Recent data on BRIC countries’ consumer spending habits reveal interesting insights about consumer behavior and priorities in each emerging market....