Global Sherpa Promotes a Better World for People and Nature through Insights and Ideas on Sustainable Development, Business and Investing
People & Nature in Global Development
Our planet and lives are being reshaped by big global trends – population growth, economic development, climate change and urbanization. Solutions must focus on empowering people and protecting nature.
Sustainable Business & Investing
Business and finance shape economic opportunities and inequality. Sustainability calls for a long-term approach to risk, investing and innovation that works for everyone.
Data, Maps & World Rankings
Are we making a difference? What works and what doesn’t? Good evidence leads to better decisions and more impact.

Brazil and Mexico Combat Poverty and Inequality
Giving away money to the poor may not seem like the most original or effective way to alleviate poverty, but, by most accounts, it has worked spectacularly well for Brazil and Mexico. Brazil’s Bolsa Familia (Portuguese for “Family Grant”) and Mexico’s Oportunidades...

Sage Advice on Sustainable Development
The current global development model is unsustainable, but it can be fixed. These are the findings of a distinguished group of laureates of the Asahi Glass Foundation’s Blue Planet Prize who contributed to the recent report, “Environment and Development Challenges:...

1.5 Billion Energy Poor: Life Without Electricity
Today, 1.5 billion people live without electricity, a situation known as energy poverty. For them, life still moves to the patterns of the sun and the moon. Work and study mostly come to an end when the sun goes down. Cooking happens the way it has for centuries...

China’s Path to 2030
China has come a long way in a short time span. Five hundred million Chinese have been lifted out of poverty in the past three decades thanks to average annual GDP growth of 9.9 percent. However, a major study calls for overhauling China’s development model to avoid...

Quiz: Human Development Report 2011
The quiz tests your knowledge of issues in sustainable development and equity from the UNDP's 2011 Human Development Report (HDR). The quiz has 10 questions. Your score, correct answers and explanations appear at the end. Enjoy! [QUIZZIN 13] For more fun...

Sustainability and Equity: UNDP HDR 2011
The UNDP Human Development Report (HDR) for 2011 focuses on the intertwined issues of sustainability and equity. While most countries have achieved substantial development gains since 1970, the 2011 HDR draws attention to evidence that raises questions about the...

New York City Quiz!
The New York City Quiz tests your knowledge of interesting facts about NYC. The quiz has 10 questions. Your score, correct answers and explanations appear at the end. Enjoy! [QUIZZIN 12] For more fun quizzes, check out Global Sherpa’s Quiz Page! Related articles...

The Maldives: Paradise in Trouble
The Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean just 1.5 meters above a rising sea level, teeter perilously on the brink of extinction due to global warming. Climate change threatens to wipe out the Maldives’ rich civilization in less than a decade at current...
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